Thursday, 11 January 2018

Proof that a single person is behind almost all of my most hated scams

  • When the Sidney Crosby fake news farm was making way for the Kate Middleton fake news farm, I saw one Kate Middleton site using the Sidney Crosby farm's custom CMS instead of the Kate Middleton farm's usual combination of Wordpress, a "checkout" subdomain, and a redirect trick.
  • The Kate Middleton guys later made more scams; they are listed on my Wikiversity fake news study as "CHK".
  • CHK disappeared in mid-November 2017, but later came back in January 2018 to shill a skin care product called Creme Anti-Aging Moisturizer  They are hiding the redirect using complicated IFrames, but the loading page still lists "checkout" subdomains if you put one of their scam pages in the URL box and hit "enter", revealing their trick. Also, they're using the same stock images in the ads as they did before.
  • Finally, I recently saw one of the fake CBC site's "Canada is Doomed" ads using one of CHK/Creme's favourite stock images.
You just got busted, kid. Give up now.

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